Advice Event
Clarence Brown
After 57 years on the job, this town clerk has worked to her Heart’s Content
2025 Tax Structure
PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSThe Heart’s Content Development Regulations contain two references to the date that the Town’s Heritage Regulations were adopted and came into effect. When Council recently updated the Heritage Regulations, these references became invalid and created a disconnect between the two legal documents.
To correct this inconsistency, the Town Council proposes to amend its Development Regulations to remove any reference to the date that the Heritage Regulations were adopted, thereby ensuring that one set of regulations does not invalidate the other.
The first change will be in the definition of Heritage Regulations in Part 2 of the Development Regulations. It will remove the existing reference to the adoption date. Similarly, the second change will remove the reference to the adoption date in the introductory paragraph to Part 9.5 – Heritage District Zone.
The proposed amendment is available for viewing at the Town Office during regular office hours or will be emailed on request.
For more information or to submit your comments, please contact:
Attention: Alice Cumby, Town Clerk
154 Main Road, P.O. BOX 31
Heart’s Content. NL AOB IZO
Ph: 709-583-2491 Fax. 709-583-2226
Email: heartscontent@persona.caWaste Recovery Facility Access Cards
Heritage Regulations
Heart’s Content UNESCO Community Rural Development Committe
Over the past year our UNESCO committee has been actively engaged with our community partners in identifying projects that we need completed to be ready for UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE STATUS co-chaired by Clarence Brown and Glenda Hiscock.
There are several projects that we are working on, and of course this all depends on funding from ACOA and IET, and most important acquiring ownership of the lands around the Hopkins landing area.
- Hopkins Landing – phase 1 and phase 2 are needed to safely welcome Cruise ship visitors to our town and visitors entering our Registered Heritage District via Bus or car.
- Pleasure walking through the town (sidewalks etc.)
- Sense of arrival Stations coming into the town at the lighthouse lookout. (rest stops)
- Lighthouse land upgrades and Bathroom facilities.
- LTOs for trails to the mizzen and the lousy rock.
- Tourism opportunity sessions.
During our visit to Valentia, Ireland in June we had several workshops to identify what we can do together and a new committee was formed between Valentia, Ireland and Hearts Content, Newfoundland called the Community Project Initiative Committee and we meet Virtually every month to discuss new ideas.
We hope to share branding opportunities and culture exchange between the communities.
Presently we are working on 360-degree Virtual experience where visitors entering both cable stations can visit the other station virtually.
There are also plans to have the lighthouses in Valentia and Hearts content included.
Also, a school program is being worked on to promote our history to children in our school system.
The main part of everything we do is collaboration between Valentia and all our municipalities in the Trinity conception area.
Attracting new Tourism businesses to the area, using and sharing the assets that all our communities in the area have to offer, will also play a big part in our mandate.
We are doing Tourism opportunities sessions with Municipalities, lSDs and businesses in Collaboration with Tourism, Hospitality NL and Legendary Coasts and soon Tourism Ireland.
TCAR/PROVNCIAL HISTORIC sites will be giving the Town of Hearts Content an update on our UNESCO progress in the next couple of weeks
Public Notice
The Town of Heart’s Content is asking the public if they know if any of these land owners are still living or if any of their decendants make claim to the following parcels of land.
Parcel 1
Last known land owner: Jean Sooley
Location: Southern Cove Road and Route 80
Parcel 2
Last known land owner: Francise George
Location: Southern Cove Road
Parcel 3
Last known land owner: Eugene George
Location: Southern Cove Road
If you have any information on the aformentioned parcels of land, please contant Councilor Clarene Brown at
Hearts Content & Valentia Ireland Community Partnership Committee
Development of a Community Partnership Committee has been formed for the Town of Hearts Content and Valentia Ireland related to the designation of The Cable Stations as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The committee was formed just after the Newfoundland Delegation attended meetings in June 2024 in Ireland.
The purpose of the committee is to foster growth and communication for the UNESCO designation with branding and collaboration for culture exchange. Member will meet via video conference monthly.
Committee Members:
- Leonard Hobbs- Chairperson Valentia Cable Foundation/ Intel Ireland
- Lucian Horvat – Valentia Island Development Company
- Siobhan Griffin – Kerry County Council
- Deidre Murphy- Valentia Island -Industry Development Officer
- Glenda Hiscock- Deputy Mayor, Town of Hearts Content
- Scott Andrews- Manager, Provincial Historic Sites, Tourism, Culture, Arts & Recreation
- Tara Bishop – Hearts Content Cable Station, Site Supervisor Provincial Historic Sites
- Clarence Brown- Town of Hearts Content Councilor, Hearts Content Development Corp.
- Valerie Whelan- Town of Hearts Content Councilor
- Tolson Rendell- Town of Hearts Content Councilor
- Jennifer Brown- Industry Development Officer, Hearts Content Cable Station